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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Entertainment agency FLaMme donates $240,000 USD + Hirosue Ryoko’s message

Entertainment agency FLaMme, which specializes in managing female talents, has donated 20 million yen (~$240,000 USD) to disaster relief through the Japanese Red Cross Society.

FLaMme is known for managing popular actresses Toda Erika, Hirosue Ryoko, Koyuki, and Kichise Michiko .

The company commented, “Although we normally work in entertainment, this time, we thought human rescue and humanitarian aid was the priority. As a company, we want to be as much help to the victims of the disaster as possible.”

Hirosue left the following message on the company’s official website: “I lost words. I couldn’t sleep. I hoped. I prayed. When the morning came, looking at the sun rising, I thought about what I could do.”

source: tokyohive

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