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Friday, March 18, 2011

SKE48 to donate proceeds to disaster relief

Nagoya-based group, SKE48, had announced that they will be canceling all their performances up until March 23rd.

However, on March 31st SKE48’s Team S will begin performing again. They commented, “We want to give the victims of this disaster even just the smallest bit of courage”. The total proceeds of Team S’s performance will be sent as donation money, in full, to those affected by the Great Tohoku Earthquake.

In addition to the AKB48 Project Charity Fund, these girls are also in talks to begin fundraising activities in Nagoya. Details can be found on SKE48’s official page.

Namba, Osaka-based group, NMB48, have also announced they will stop performances until the 20th.

source: tokyohive

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