It’s been revealed that actor Oguri Shun will be making a special appearance on the anime series, “Doraemon“, as popular idol “Amaguri Shun“!
In this episode, Suneo shows off an autograph from Amaguri Shun, and as a result, Nobita takes out Doraemon’s spare pocket to intrude Amaguri Shun’s house.
When Doraemon’s staff created this character in Oguri’s image, they immediately got in contact with him. Oguri, who’s been a fan of Doraemon since he was a child, suggested, “I am very honored to have a parody character of myself make an appearance! Please let me be in charge of the voice.” He performed enthusiastically, utilizing his past voice acting experiences.
Oguri commented, “My favorite character is Jaian. I hope Amaguri Shun will be well established as a character. I am excited to watch it on-air.”
The episode airs on July 8th.
source : tokyohive
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