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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

AKB48’s Kojima Haruna cast in Japanese remake of “You’re Beautiful”

We previously named the lead stars for the Japanese remake of Korean drama, “You’re Beautiful”, and now another cast member has been revealed!

AKB48’s Kojima Haruna (23) has been chosen to play ‘NANA‘, a popular idol who has an innocent image on the outside, but is a malicious little devil on the inside. In the original Korean version, NANA was called ‘Yoo He Yi‘ and was played by After School member UEE.

This will be the first time that Kojima will star as a main cast member in a primetime drama, thus taking her first real step into the acting field.

If you guys have seen the original, how well do you think Kojima can pull off the evil side of NANA/Yoo He Yi?

source: tokyohive

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