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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

B’z breaks their own record by topping Oricon Chart 45 consecutive times!

Popular J-rock band B’z has renewed their record of having the most consecutive #1 singles on the Oricon Weekly Singles Ranking after landing their 45th single, “Don’t Wanna Lie“, in first place this week. The record had just been extended to 44 singles back in mid-April.

“Don’t Wanna Lie” was released on June 1st and recorded first week sales of 169,000 copies, nearly 40,000 more than their last single.

The title track is being used as the opening theme for the anime “Detective Conan“, and the B-side track, “Homebound“, is the ending theme for TBS’s news program “NEWS23X“.

source: tokyohive

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