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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Itano Tomomi performs her new solo song in front of 25,000 fans!

Itano Tomomi performed her new song, “Ai ni Pierce,” (digitally released on June 1st) for the first time at AKB48’s nationwide handshake event at Kyocera Dome in Osaka. Accompanied by two back-up dancers, Itano wore a sexy black outfit and performed in front of 25,000 fans, “It’s been awhile (since February) since I’ve done a solo performance, so I felt nervous,” she said with a smile.

This January, Itano had her solo debut with her hit song “Dear J”, which sold 215,000 copies and peaked at #2 on the Oricon charts. She has since released a two month consecutive digital single release, “Wanna be now” in May and “Ai ni Pierce” in June. Itano is also set to drop her second physical solo single on July 13th.

On this day, AKB48 announced that their new song “Everyday, Kachuusha” has shipped over 1.7 million copies. Takahashi Minami reported, “Thanks to all of you, we were able to sell enough copies in a week to get #1”.

source: tokyohive

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