On October 4th, visual kei band Angelo held a surprise live at Shinjuku Station Square.
They drew in a huge crowd that forced authorities to suspend their concert after their third song, “REBORN“, due to overcrowding. Even after Angelo had left the stage, 3,000 fans called out their name, which echoed throughout Shinjuku.
The surprise live was held to commemorate the release of Angelo’s new album, “BABEL“. This marked their first live since Karyu (ex. D’espairsRay) and Giru (ex. Vidoll) joined the band as the new guitarists. They showed a powerful performance as they sang “FEATHER” and “PLOSIVE“. “BABEL”, which was released on October 5th, features a total of 11 songs, including the 3 songs that was performed at this live. It comes in three different versions: Limited Edition A (DVD+Photo book) , Limited Edition B (CD+DVD), and a Regular CD-Only Edition.
Additionally, Angelo will kick off their nationwide tour, titled “Angelo Tour 11-12 ‘CORNERSTONE OF THE FORBIDDEN TOWER’” on November 20th at Yokohama Bay Hall. The tour is scheduled to continue until February 5th, with a total of 22 performances in 17 locations.
source: tokyohive
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